Axolotl Hype Gift has a current value of 2,500,000,000 gems as a starting price for the Normal version.

- Recently updated -
Normal: 2,500,000,000
Gold: N/A
Rainbow: N/A
Dark Matter: N/A
Price Stable
Axolotl Hype Gift is a Pet Simulator X Exclusive item/gift. The way to obtain that gift is very similar to the "Hype Gift", you had to be online in Pet Simulator X and in the game 1 minute before the update drops into the game, if the update was live at 7pm, you had to be online at 6:59 to obtain the gift. It was released as a part of the Huge Machine update in February 2023.
- This is one of the many gifts that were released in Pet Simulator X.
- The current demand for it is very high.
- It’s a tradeble item, which means you can trade it with other Pet Sim X players, just like you can with pets.

Axolotl Hype Gift
💎 2,500,000,000

Huge Machine Egg 1
💎 60,000,000,000

Huge Angelus
💎 5,500,000,000,000

Huge Pterodactyl
💎 220,000,000,000

Party Panda
💎 500,000,000

Party Tiger
💎 400,000,000

Huge Party Axolotl
💎 1,600,000,000,000

Party Axolotl
💎 300,000,000

Huge Chameleon
💎 750,000,000,000

Huge King Cobra
💎 320,000,000,000