Axolotl Hype Gift has a current value of 2,500,000,000 gems as a starting price for the Normal version.

axolotl hype gift value pet simulator x


- Recently updated -

Normal: 2,500,000,000

Gold: N/A

Rainbow: N/A

Dark Matter: N/A

Price Stable

Axolotl Hype Gift is a Pet Simulator X Exclusive item/gift. The way to obtain that gift is very similar to the "Hype Gift", you had to be online in Pet Simulator X and in the game 1 minute before the update drops into the game, if the update was live at 7pm, you had to be online at 6:59 to obtain the gift. It was released as a part of the Huge Machine update in February 2023.


  1. This is one of the many gifts that were released in Pet Simulator X.
  2. The current demand for it is very high.
  3. It’s a tradeble item, which means you can trade it with other Pet Sim X players, just like you can with pets.


axolotl hype gift value pet simulator x

Axolotl Hype Gift

💎 2,500,000,000

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