Exclusive Egg has a current value of 120,150,000,000 gems as a starting price for the Normal version.

- Recently updated -
Normal: 120,150,000,000
Gold: N/A
Rainbow: N/A
Dark Matter: N/A
Price Stable
Exclusive Egg is a Pet Simulator X game item that you can purchase from the Exclusive Shop in Pet Sim X. It costs 800 Robux to buy one Egg, you can also buy 3 Eggs for the price of 2,400 Robux. It can also be traded with other PSX players.
- It can be sold and traded with other Pet Sim X players, exactly like pets.
- Β The Egg contains 5 different pets.
- The current demand for it is very high.

Tie Dye Cat
π 10,200,000,000

Tie Dye Corgi
π 10,200,000,000

Tie Dye Bear
π 15,250,000,000

Huge Cupcake
π 70,500,000,000

Crystal Dog
π 20,150,000,000

Guest Noob
π 140,000,000,000

Crystal Deer
π 25,150,000,000

Exclusive Egg
π 120,150,000,000

Mosaic Corgi
π 100,150,000,000

Huge Floppa
π 145,000,000,000