Huge Corgi has a current value of 50,000,000,000 gems as a starting price for the Normal version and goes up to 540,000,000,000 gems for the Rainbow version.

- Recently updated -
Normal: 50,000,000,000
Gold: 100,000,000,000
Rainbow: 540,000,000,000
Dark Matter: N/A
Price Increasing
Huge Corgi is a Pet Simulator X Exclusive pet. The only way to obtain it is by redeeming the code you receive after purchasing the Huge Corgi plushie from the official Big Games shop. Or buying/trading with other players using diamonds (gems).
You will also receive 1,000,000 gems for the Merchandise Achievement & the Rainbow Hoverboard if you haven't already claimed it before.
- TheΒ Huge Corgi value above is in gems and it’s accurate & updated and calculated using verified trades from experienced Pet Sim X traders, pet demand, past sales data, RAP price, and other metrics.
- It currently has 1 re-skin and it’s the “Corgi”.
- Huge Corgi sold out really fast, in just 16 days.
- The current demand for it is very high.