Skateboard Bulldog has a current value of 2,300,000 gems as a starting price for the Normal version and goes up to 130,000,000 for the Dark Matter version.

- Recently updated -
Normal: 2,300,000
Gold: 6,700,000
Rainbow: 25,000,000
Dark Matter: 130,000,000
Price Stable
Skateboard Bulldog is a Pet Simulator X Epic pet that you could hatch from the new Dog egg. You could obtain it by purchasing the Egg that was added with the new Update using Cartoon Coins only, one egg costs 975,000,000 for the normal version and 8.78B for the golden version, they could be located inside the new area that was added. The chance of hatching the Skateboard Bulldog is currently very high at 96%. It was released as a part of the Dog World Update in May 2023.
- The Skateboard Bulldog value above is in gems and it’s accurate & updated and calculated using verified trades from experienced Pet Sim X traders, pet demand, past sales data, in-game trading stats, and other metrics.
- It has over 2 re-models.
- The current demand for it is low.
- It doesn’t have a Huge version yet.