Exclusive Anime Egg has a current value of 8,000,000,000 gems as a starting price for the Normal version.

- Recently updated -
Normal: 8,000,000,000
Gold: N/A
Rainbow: N/A
Dark Matter: N/A
Price Stable
Exclusive Anime Egg is a Pet Simulator X Exclusive item/egg, it's also called "Exclusive Egg 5". One Egg costs 400 Robux, you could buy more at a discounted price, you could buy 10 Eggs for 3,200 Robux instead of 4000. It contains 6 Exclusive Pets, including 2 Huges. It was released as a part of the Anime update in December 2022.
- It contains an Animated Huge.
- It can be traded with other players, just like pets.
- The current demand for it is very high.
- It’s also called the “Exclusive Egg 5“

Exclusive Anime Egg
💎 8,000,000,000

Update Hype Gift
💎 3,000,000,000

Huge Anime Agony
💎 1,350,000,000,000

Huge Anime Unicorn
💎 650,000,000,000

Huge Party Dog
💎 1,500,000,000,000

Party Dog
💎 300,000,000

Anime Unicorn
💎 850,000,000

Party Pig
💎 400,000,000

Party Dragon
💎 500,000,000

Anime Agony
💎 3,000,000,000