Huge Evolved Cupcake has a current value of 75,000,000,000 gems as a starting price for the Normal version.

- Recently updated -
Normal: 75,000,000,000 (75B)
Gold: N/A
Rainbow: N/A
Dark Matter: N/A
Normal Shiny: SOON
Price Stable
Huge Evolved Cupcake is a Pet Simulator X Exclusive pet. To obtain this pet you had to use the NEW machine that was added in Pet Sim X called the Evolve Machine and you could find it located at the spawn next to the Huge A Tron Machine. The way it works is you supply it with 5 of your Huge Pets, you then evolve these 5 pets into a random Huge Evolved pet, you get a certain percentage of getting a specific Huge Evolved pet based on the huge pets that you supply the machine with. Note that not all Huge pets can be supplied to it, the Evolve Machine only accepts 5 specific Huges. It was released as a part of the Cinco de Mayo Event in April 2023.
- The Huge Evolved Cupcake value above is in gems and it’s accurate & updated and calculated using verified trades from experienced Pet Sim X traders, pet demand, past sales data, in-game trading stats, and other metrics.
- The current demand for it is very low.
- This pet comes with the Evolved Enchant which makes it stronger than your best pet.
- Evolved pets is a new type of the normal pet version but better.