Huge Evolved King Cobra has a current value of 90,000,000,000 gems as a starting price for the Normal version.

- Recently updated -
Normal: 90,000,000,000 (90B)
Gold: N/A
Rainbow: N/A
Dark Matter: N/A
Normal Shiny: SOON
Price Decreasing
Huge Evolved King Cobra is a Pet Simulator X Exclusive pet. To obtain this pet you had to use the NEW machine that was added in Pet Sim X called the Evolve Machine and you could find it located at the spawn next to the Huge A Tron Machine. The way it works is you supply it with 5 of your Huge Pets, you then evolve these 5 pets into a random Huge Evolved pet, you get a certain percentage of getting a specific Huge Evolved pet based on the huge pets that you supply the machine with. Note that not all Huge pets can be supplied, the Evolve Machine only accepts 5 specific Huges. It was released as a part of the Cinco de Mayo Event in April 2023.
- The Huge Evolved King Cobra value above is in gems and it’s accurate & updated and calculated using verified trades from experienced Pet Sim X traders, pet demand, past sales data, in-game trading stats, and other metrics.
- The current demand for it is very low.
- If you obtain this pet you will also receive the Evolved Enchant which makes it stronger than your best pet.
- Evolved pets is a new type of the normal pet version but better.