Rich Cat has a current value of 10,000,000 gems as a starting price for the Normal version and goes up to 200,000,000 gems for the Dark Matter version.

rich cat value pet simulator x


- Recently updated -

Normal: 10,000,000 (10M)

Gold: 30,000,000 (30M)

Rainbow: 80,000,000 (80M)

Dark Matter: 200,000,000 (200M)

Price Stable

Rich Cat is a Pet Simulator X Legendary pet that you can hatch from the Yarn Egg and the Cat Egg. The chance of hatching it is currently unknown. It was released as a part of the Cat World update in November 2022.


  1. It has 1 re-model.
  2. The demand for it is currently high.
  3. It’s ranked as the Strongest Legendary in Pet Simulator X.


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