Helicopter Cat has a current value of 2,700,000 gems as a starting price for the Normal version and goes up to 100,000,000 for the Dark Matter version.

- Recently updated -
Normal: 2,700,000
Gold: 11,000,000
Rainbow: 30,000,000
Dark Matter: 100,000,000
Price Decreasing
Helicopter Cat is a Pet Simulator X Mythical pet that can be hatched from two eggs, the Yarn and the Cat Eggs. The hatching chance is currently unknown. It was released as a part of the Halloween event in November 2022
- It has 1 re-skin.
- The demand for it is currently low.
- It’s one of the first pets to have a flying animation like a helicopter.
- The Dark Matter version of it is one of the strongest in Pet Simulator X.

Huge Blue Balloon Cat
💎 9,000,000,000,000

Huge Balloon Cat
💎 1,000,000,000,000

Helicopter Cat
💎 2,700,000

Rich Cat
💎 10,000,000

HC Helicopter Cat

Halloween Gift
💎 8,000,000,000

Subzero Cat
💎 18,000,000,000

Huge Scary Cat
💎 100,000,000,000

Huge Scary Corgi
💎 100,000,000,000

Huge Pumpkin Cat
💎 200,000,000,000