Mystic Corgi has a current value of (SOON) gems as a starting price for the Normal version, that's if you trade it for other pets.

->> This pet hasn't been released yet, but the value will be added once we have more information about the Mystic Corgi in Pet Simulator X. <<- [The Mystic Corgi didn't release on April 15 with the Diamond Mine update, we expect it to be released in future updates.]

mystic corgi value pet simulator x


- Recently updated -

Normal: SOON

Gold: SOON

Rainbow: SOON

Dark Matter: SOON

Price Stable

Mystic Corgi is a Pet Simulator X pet that is very likely to be released very soon. It will most likely be added as a part of the Diamond Mine Update in 2023, that's on April 15 [DID NOT]. We are currently looking into how to obtain the Mystic Corgi and we will update this page with all the information once it gets released. The rarity of this pet is currently unknown as it's unreleased, also there is no information yet as from what egg it could be hatched from or the hatching percentage, it could also be a limited time pet.


  1. It has over 2 re-models.
  2. The current demand for it is high.
  3. More information and pet facts about the Mystic Corgi will be added soon.


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Titanic Mystic Corgi

💎 4,000,000,000,000

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💎 10,000,000,000

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💎 1,000,000,000

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Amethyst Dragon

💎 1,800,000,000

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Redstone Cat

💎 750,000,000

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Mystic Corgi


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Easter Yeti

💎 3,500,000