Pixel Wolf has a current value of 1,435,000 gems as a starting price and goes up to 40,000,000 gems for the Dark Matter version.

- Recently updated -
Normal: 1,435,000
Gold: 4,130,000
Rainbow: 12,700,000
Dark Matter: 40,000,000
Price Decreasing
Pixel Wolf is a Pet Simulator X Legendary pet that you can hatch from the Rainbow Pixel and the Spotted Pixel Eggs. The chance of hatching it is estimated to be around 4% without boosts. It was released as a part of the Pixel World update.
- It’s one of the strongest Legendaries.
- It currently has 1 re-skin.
- The current demand for it is very high.

North Pole Wolf
💎 14,000,000

Pixel Dino
💎 14,650,000

Astral Axolotl
💎 16,850,000

Pastel Sock Bear
💎 25,550,000

Pastel Sock Corgi
💎 26,800,000

Pixel Wolf
💎 40,000,000

Silver Stag
💎 48,800,000

Santa Paws
💎 65,000,000

Hellish Axolotl
💎 73,500,000

Pixel Demon
💎 201,000,000