Huge Elf Cat has a current value of 25,000,000,000 gems as a starting price for the Normal version and goes up to 95,000,000,000 for the Rainbow Version.

- Recently updated -
Normal: 25,000,000,000
Gold: 40,000,000,000
Rainbow: 95,000,000,000
Dark Matter: N/A
Price Stable
Huge Elf Cat is a Pet Simulator X Exclusive pet. You could obtain it from the Christmas Stocking egg/item. In order to obtain the stocking you should have redeemed at least 1 merch DLC code that you can get when you purchase a plushie from the Big Games shop during the month of December until January 7th 2023. The chance of hatching it is 1%. It was released as a part of the Shiny update in December 2022.
- TheΒ Huge Elf Cat value above is in gems and it’s accurate & updated and calculated using verified trades from experienced Pet Sim X traders, pet demand, past sales data, RAP price, and other metrics.
- It has over 3 re-skins.
- The current demand for it is high.
- It has a non-huge version.