Huge Snowman has a current value of 65,000,000,000 gems as a starting price for the Normal version and goes uo to 710,000,000,000 gems for the Gold Version.

- Recently updated -
Normal: 65,000,000,000
Gold: 115,000,000,000
Rainbow: 710,000,000,000
Dark Matter: N/A
Price Decreasing
Huge Snowman is a Pet Simulator X Exclusive pet. This pet can only be obtained as a lucky reward or through trading. To obtain it you need to be lucky enough to meet Santa Paws that spawns at random locations every 4 hours during the Christmas 2022 Event. He drops some bags while riding around the map and you might be lucky enough to pick up the bag that has the pet inside. The chance of hatching it is currently unknown. It was released as a part of the Christmas update in December 2022.
- TheΒ Huge Snowman value above is in gems and it’s accurate & updated and calculated using verified trades from experienced Pet Sim X traders, pet demand, past sales data, RAP price, and other metrics.
- It has 1 re-model.
- The current demand for it is very high.
- It’s one of the hardest pets to obtain since it’s based on pure luck and most people wouldn’t want to trade it.
- It’s rare.