Pet Simulator 99 Values coming soon!!! Join our Discord to discuss.


Sleigh Cat has a current value of 10,500,000 gems as a starting price for the Normal version and goes up to 500,000,000 gems for the Dark Matter version.

sleigh cat value pet simulator x


- Recently updated -

Normal: 10,500,000

Gold: 45,000,000

Rainbow: 160,000,000

Dark Matter: 500,000,000

Price Stable

Sleigh Cat is a Pet Simulator X Mythical pet. You could hatch it from the Snowman Egg, this egg is located in the Christmas 2022 World, to open one you need 50M Gingerbread. The chance of hatching it currently unknown. It was released as a part of the Christmas update in December 2022.


  1. It has over 4 re-skins.
  2. The current demand for it is high.
  3. It was one of the most popular/trending pets once it was released.


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Sleigh Cat

๐Ÿ’Ž 10,500,000

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